About me

11 Randoms.... just for fun....

I don't normally do these but what the heck, thanks Tasha!
There are rules to this fun game that are as follows: 1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
**This is for fun and you do not have to do this if I tagged you** :-)

11 Random things about me:
1) I had my ears pinned when I was 11yrs old. before that I got called "dumbo" all the time and I never would wear my hair up. don't regret it one bit.

2) I am a Mormon:) Yes I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Only one in my family too. Joined the church when I was 18. My husband is also the only member in his family. Joined when he was 20.

3) I served a full-time mission for my church for 18mos. I did nothing but preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ 12hrs a day, 365 days a year for 18 mos. best thing I ever did!

4) I am the youngest of 3 girls...I'm the wild, crazy, loud, hyper one:)

5) I am an artist. Not just a makeup artist. I draw faces too.

6) I am addicted to my work email account. It has taken my 5yrs but I've weaned myself down to checking it only 5 times a day:)

7) I am addicted to buying new duvet covers from Ikea every 2 mos:) It drives my husband crazy, but nothing can cheer me up the way new bedding can!

8) I have always wanted to be bi-lingual. I might start taking spanish as my husband is fluent.

9) Last week my friend brought me some of those yummy kraft caramels. they were SO good, I found myself eating them in the shower. Because obviously the length of my shower was too long to go without having one.

10) I am a hopeless romantic. I live in fairy tale land in my head sometimes.

11) I am not afraid of public speaking...in fact I LOVE it! weird, I know. Q

uestions from Tasha:
1. What is your favorite recovery drink?
Usana chocolate Whey Nutrimeal, Ucann or Muscle milk. all chocolate.

2. Love the treadmill or hate it?
both. most days hate it....but in the right conditions, I can be thankful for it:)

3. Name your favorite cross training exercise/routine.
Cross training? whats that? ...IF I was better at making time, I would say swimming but I don't.

4. Favorite book read within the last year?

5. What type of dessert do you like to indulge yourself in?
Oh..I am the QUEEN of Reeses Peanut Butter cup McFlurries on Friday nights:)

6. What motivates you to get through a tough workout?
Being done. lol. No really...just knowing how I will feel if I complete it:)

7. Favorite race ran?
I think my recent half in October....no expectations of myself

8. If you had to eat fast food, which would you prefer?
not any one place but the items itself: Burgerville-Ground Turkey burger, Macdonalds-Fillet O fish, Burger King-Whopper:)

9. Favorite childhood memory?
I think just bedtime with my sister. we shared a room til we were 12 and 14yrs old. I loved talking to her every night at bedtime...or playing "ship" on our bunk beds when we were little girls. bedtime was never really bedtime..it was just play time with the lights out and door closed:):)

10. Runner’s World or Running Times or both?
both. The more the better:)

11 people I am tagging are:

My Questions for you:

1. How tall are you? I think pictures are deceiving. people always think I'm really tall and I'm only 5'4.
2. Did you play sports in high school? what was your favorite?
3. How many states have you lived in in your life?
4. Do you have siblings? how many and where do you fall?
5. when you were 15, what did you want to be when you "grew up"? did you do it?
6. Do you have a pet peeve? something that just REALLY gets under your skin? My husband hates the sound of chewing and I just don't get it.
7. whats your middle name?
8. If you had 1 Million dollars to donate to ANY cause...what would it be?
9. What is the one talent you WISH you had, but don't feel like you do? (mine is singing)
10. do you have a most embarrassing moment? that you are willing to share? ;););)
11.You can do any act of random kindness (anonymously), money isn't an issue, what do you do?