About me

Being a Mother Runner requires FLEXIBILITY...and my last 2 workout recaps:) Oh and I get mother of the day award today!:/

Friday's 5 mile repeats workout had to get moved to Saturday b/c my 4yr old was up all night sick...of course Friday was nice weather and saturday was rainy and cold and WINDY! I live in the Columbia Gorge so we get BAD winds.....I don't love it.

I headed out Saturday morning around 9am to get 'er done!
I was NOT feeling it, but I've learned lately to just buck up and get it done b/c I want to arrive in Boston strong. If I'm paying that much money and travelling THAT far, you better believe I'm not gonna show up there with any regrets about my training that I had control over.

The workout John gave me called for 5 x 1mile at 6:30. If you remember last weeks workouts, they were progressive miles ending with a 6:05:) it was a Great workout, but John wanted me to be more consistent in my times this week.

Mile 1: 6:27
Mile 2: 6:17 (i knew I was headed in the "progressive" direction so I pulled back).
Mile 3: 6:25
Mile 4: 6:30
Mile 5: 6:33
The last 2 were so mentally challenging. I was FREEZING, it started to rain and it got really windy...the last mile I actually switched directions 3 times b/c the wind was too hard so that probably accounts for the slower time. I wanted to be done so bad,but it felt good to be DONE:)

Today I was supposed to run 20:) beautiful sunny day, so I was excited! only nice day forecasted all week!!! and I get to do my LONG run!! thank you God, right? Wrong!.
Drove 45min to Stephanies house b/c Erika has a cold and I couldnt' take her to preschool so Stephanie offered to watch her since her kids already had it. (bless your heart Steph, I sure am blessed to have you in my life!).

Well about 90 seconds before we arrived, Erika puked all over the back seat! I think it was car sickness b/c she gets that and she has been fine since, but the stomach flu IS going around and we couldn't risk it. So quick bath at Stephanies...change of clothes and BACK into the car for the drive home! lol...

I texted John and we decided to switch the week around!
so I did 8 x 800's on the TM instead today.

3:13 (6:27 pace, or 9.3 on the TM for all 8 of them). I didnt' even bother trying to do the last one faster.

I cannot run fast on the TM, it is so hard for me! does anyone else have this problem? I can run SO much faster on the roads.

Mother of the Day Award:
As if the day couldn't get any more interesting I recieve a text at 3:45 from Megans teacher asking where I am??:(:( Yup. I forgot my daughter at school. she gets out at 3:30.
Seriously...lol. WHAT. A. DAY! Have you ever forgot to pick up your child from school?
so I busted out the door and then was embarassed to go pick her up in my VERY short running shorts infront of her 35 yr old male teacher. seriously. The female teacher that was in the room couldnt' help but comment on how cold it is..."Especially when I'm wearing SHORTS!" :/ I get it lady, I get it.

Wednesday will be my 20 miler instead, and Saturday is my 10K Race!!!

This week is my highest mileage and probably peek mileage week....75 miles:)
So I don't know what to expect for time on Saturday, but I'm happy with a 41:xx anything on tired legs! it gives me confidence that on rested legs I could bust out a REALLy good 10K right now!!

Today taught me that I need to count my blessings and a Good reminder that I am a Mother Frist, and Runner Second. Hence the title " Mother - Runner".

I am thankful I have a treadmill at our apartment and that it has a sofa so Erika could lay there and watch a movie while I ran.
I am thankful for good friends willing to help me get a workout in
I am thankful I kept a smile on my face all day
I am thankful I was inspired to put a roast in the crockpot at 8am this morning b/c I dont' have to worry about making dinner now!
I am thankful for sunshine, it made this day alot easier to deal with

I am thankful that it's only 7 weeks to BOSTON and I feel STRONG and HEALTHY!
If you remember, my NUMBER ONE GOAL is: to get to Boston, Un-injured and not sick!!

peace-out friends!