About me

A surprise 10 miler, scary men on bikes, and New racing flats!!!

I headed out on my run yesterday morning on the spring water trail....the goal was 8 easy miles. 

There were a lot of homeless people out and half of them insisted on yelling stupid things at me like a sarcastic "RUN!" ....it's really annoying. At one point I was by myself in an area with lots of trees and two homeless men on bikes. My heart was pounding...I did NOT feel safe for a few minutes there, and promised myself I would never run the spring water trail alone again without my pepper spray!! I try to make eye contact though and look confident as if to say, don't try and mess with me, b/c I wouldn't go down without a fight!
I've heard that it's important to make eye contact and not to look sheepish when in a vulnerable position b/c attackers look to attack those who appear weak. 

Anyway...that is a whole other post...I have HUGE fears about being attacked but i am trying to get past them and not let them keep me from enjoying my freedoms. 

So, at mile 6 I was passing my car and was going to do one more mile out and back to make 8 miles but I was feeling good!, had been running a nice easy pace of 8-8:30 and decided to go for 10miles. Erika was at Preschool, Megan at school and I can't tell you how AMAZING it felt to have extra time to run!! I didn't have to rush to be home...it was just me and the pavement. sigh....seriously, one of the best feelings I've felt in a long time. I am REALLY enjoying having a few hours each week alone without my girls, though I MISS Them and love them dearly! ( I do!).

SO...at mile 9, I decided to push just a little to get my overall pace down a bit..to my surprise though, I suddenly had so much energy!!

I felt like every step I was BOUNCING high in the air....it felt amazing! I LOVE miles like that!!! the pace was 7:12 for mile 9!!! 

then Mile 10, I decided to bring it home.....
Mile 10 was 6:45!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was breathing hard, but breathing was in a good controlled rythm....I love that feeling:)

Felt SOOOOOOOOOO good! that last half mile was tough, but manageable:)

My overall pace for my 2nd 10miler was 8:02. 

SO...what did I do?  I celebrated by buying myself THESE for my 10K race next weekend:

7.7oz of racing BLISS!
My new Saucony Kinvara's!!

Why I love these shoes:
-they have a wide toe box
-they are the most beautiful bright colors
-they are saucony's...and I all my trainers are saucony's..seem to fit my feet good
-are lightweight and a good racing flat but have lots of sole support just like my 
brooks launches.
( I dont' do well with the super thin flat soles, it hurts my feet)

They are gonna help me run SUPER FAST next weekend!!!! well....maybe not...but they will help me looks SUPER GOOD while I TRY to run superfast, how about that?:) lol