Reviving my old Running blog as I head toward 40... my journey to be the healthiest version of me!
About me
19 Mile Run-Photos & Marathon Reflections!
Robin Eggs outside my door!!!

and just for fun here is a silly picture of Stevie and I the other night trying out our new G12 camera....I love how my head looks twice the size of his! LOL

My marathon is at a higher elevation...what does this mean?
I am at sea level and my marathon is at 2200 feet:( I thought I had read I would be fine but there is a local coach who knows quite a bit about this who told my friend this could add 5min onto my time... sigh. that's a BUMMER!
but it makes sense....if there isn't as much oxygen in their air...and I haven't trained at that elevation it really could affect my performance.
Has anyone else trained at sea level then ran at an elevation of 1500 feet or more difference?
Watch out Marathon, I'm coming for you!
but my brain feels like it is going to pop from staring at the computer screen and scheduling what feels like 500 different brides wedding day schedules! aaaaahhhhh...
I came on here to say:..........
1 mile yesterday and 2 miles this morning with NO PAIN!! woohoo!!
actually..partially true. NO ankle pain whatsoever but I am having calf pain, and pains in the muscle down the front of my shin so me and the foam roller are going to hang out tonight:):)
but I am SO taking on this marathon!!! praise GOD for his Mercy:)
some good news...
Sounds like this may have been prevented, and it sounds like you should have definitely stopped during your long run. But I think you'll still be fine to run the marathon. But, I would take it pretty easy this week. What's the date of your marathon again?
This type of injury is usually from repetitive use/overuse. It was probably, "in the works," and the long run on the rocky surface of Leif was the final straw. It's a kind of injury that can easily happen with the intense, high volume of training that marathon training calls for. It can be prevented though.
So, keep icing and have Steve do more US for you!
so many emotions...
I feel angry.
22 Miler and drug free child birth = injury
YAY for sporty swim suits!

aaaahhhh...don't want to run 22 miles alone tomorrow!
SUMMER and choosing swimsuits...blah...
I have been dying for the new suits at down east basics online to come out and they are finally here!!
I fell in love with the silver and white one from the catalogue but now I'm not sure!!
which one should I get? I LOVE white b/c it makes me look more tanned (lol) but I also love this turquoise one...sigh... I know this is probably lame to you but I just need some girly opinions!
every year I HATE buying swim suits. I am completely UN proportioned .....and it makes me want to scream. I wish I knew of some good swim suits for SPORTY physiques. if you know of any, let me know! I sometimes wish I could just wear my sports bra and some boy shorts! LOL

You are my SHUNSHINE and FOOD!
Mommy, you sing me Shunshine song? she's so stinkin' cute and every night she wants me to sing it to her while scratching her back. she got the itchy kid syndrome that I had when I was a kid. actually I still have it.
lets talk FOOD, shall we??
Tonight we had our Tuesday night dinner. We take turns with 2 other families rotating each week making dinner for all 3 families. tonight was our turn.
I made soft tacos. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BUT I am not "allowed" to eat white tortillas.
Have any of you tried the High Fibre, Low Carb tortillas by "La Tortilla factory?"...
they are amazing.
0g sugar
TONNES of FIBER...can't recall how much and i'm too tired to get up and go to my kitchen right now.
I pretty much eat them with everything. they are my staple for lunches and dinners. I eat my sandwiches in them, my turkey burgers etc.
When I first hired Joel to coach me, I was devastated to learn that I couldn't be the carb/sugar holic I always had been if I was going to be successful:(:( He told me flat out I needed to change my eating habits!
I am still REALLY learning alot about foods and I NEED more ideas of great things to eat as an athlete.
here are few changes I have made:
1. I don't eat yogurt anymore, too much sugar.
2. I read labels to look for sugar content.
3. I watch sugar and carbs and fibre more than calories
4. I actually try to eat 100g of protein each day now
5. my top 3 breakfasts are: oatmeal with raisins, protein enriched special K, protein shake.
Just by making these few changes, I lost 7lbs in 3wks. crazy right? I Never knew food made SUCH a huge difference!
So I want to hear from you:
1. what changes have you made to your diet in the last year?
2. what is your favorites breakfast, lunch, dinner?
what are your "eating" rules you try to follow???
p.s T- 5 wks til my MARATHON!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHH
14min PR, NBD. Corvallis Half Marathon RECAP!
Up at 5:50am. brush teeth, get dressed, out the door by 6:15am.
6:55am meet Coach in Tualatin. start driving to Corvallis.
7:30am - eat 2 gels for breakfast and drink a 5hr energy.
......while we're driving Joel says to me. "You have the PERFECT day. you have rested legs. No rain. 50 degrees. You're in the best shape of your life. NO LIMITS Nicole!". ( I had said I didn't think I could get below 1:34..I was happy with 1:34-1:35)
He just about bit my head off and gave me the lecture of how powerful the mind was and told me how he ran his best half when he wasn't scared to push his limits.
I decided right then that I had no limits. My RACE PLAN was to make sure I did the FIRST MILE SLOW. Goal was 7:50 then drop to 7:15 and hold.........BUT if I found myself running faster ...then don't be AFRAID of it. Trust my body.
I arrived excited and ready to give it my all. My coach is an awesome coach and one of my greatest friends/supporters. Thanks Joel for the pre-race pep talk:) (reason #404 for having a coach).
Me and Becky were racing and Joel and Helen were taking turns pacing us.
I looked at Becky right before we left for the start line and I said "Becky, you go for the win.Promise me you'll hold nothing back! you go for it! you give it EVERYTHING you've got!".
we did a quick warm up but were paranoid about bathroom lines and only had 15min til the race started. we changed out fo warm ups and headed to the porty potty.
Now it's 8min til race start and the line up is HUGE! I am freaking out b/c I HAVE TO change my tampon and go pee or else I'd be peeing all over myself the whole race! lol...not cool.
Becky looks at me and says, I'm sorry, I'm skipping the potty, I have to go !
I was so torn, I knew I HAD to go to the bathroom but didn't want to miss the gun!
I said a Prayer "God please help me know what to do...i'm running out of time"....
Just then a girl runs out of a local building yelling "BATHROOM ON THE 2ND FLOOR! NO LINES!".
You better believe it was a SPRINT across the parking lot!!! lol...I booked it up those stairs, went potty and was in line with 1min to go before the gun went off! ha ha...THANK YOU GOD!
The gun goes off and before I know it my watch says 7:00 pace but I felt like I was running a 9:00 pace...I MADE myself slow down, and watched a bunch of women pass me.
"you'll get them later Nicole, play this race smart, you've got 13 miles to go".
I did my first mile at 7:30 but it felt perfect......I started to pick it up from there:) Mile 2 was a 7:02 but I worried a bit and slowed down. I wanted to execute this perfectly...I wanted to get progressively faster.
by mile 3 I was starting to pass people.... even though I dropped down and ran the 3rd mile to a 7:14.
AT mile 4 we started the first Long 1 mile climb. The crowd had thinned out a bit.....I talk to myself in my head A LOT when I race.
"Nicole, you've run hills MUCH MUCH steeper than this at a 6:40 pace. Now is the time to start working. Pass those women". I went...steady pace..I passed 2 women and a lot of men:)
at the top of the hill (mile 5 I think) I see my coach waiting for me:) off we go...."just you and me now " he says..... "you're 10th female in line right now"
we passed some more men (gotta love that) and I got fed with great encouraging words like "you look great, you look strong, you're born to do this Nicole, lets go!":):) it's so great having a coach or a friend to encourage you while you run.
I have to admit I didn't quite need it yet though. I was feeling amazing! I felt so strong.I felt that RACE DAY MAGIC I had read about and I knew it was going to be a killer race for me!
Mile 5 was a 6:58. So far so good! I know my body and I know the longer I run the faster I get IF I run it right:)
Mile 6.5 - 8 is another long steady climb. This was when I started to notice I was feeling a bit tired and when I was going to have to actually start WORKING to stay under a 7min pace:)
aA we headed to the top of mile 8 there were 2 more women in front of me.
Joel says "okay you're going to surge okay?" (I'm thinking..What? surge? UP a hill? NOW? you're nuts!) but for some reason when you're tired and your coach is telling you to do something, you do it!
So I surged for 10 seconds and passed 2 more women:):) Every time I passed another female, I felt like it made me stronger.
now another break on the down hill......I was tired but for some reason I just kept doing what Joel told me to do. I wanted to do my best, I had the fire in my belly that I was missing at last weeks track meet:)
After this it was a few short hills..much steeper but short and quick. I tried to surge up those as well:)
We passed a few more girls and then t mile 9.5 we came up on the green goblin. I will just call her that b/c I got sick of looking at the back of her bright green shirt ! LOL....
Helen had now joined us and I had Helen AND Joel telling me what to do lol!
it's funny but I never said a single word the entire time Joel or Helen ran with me! lol...I never talk in races. too tired. too focussed. In my head I would respond but never aloud:) i'm such a weirdo! ha ha....
ANYWAY..this was the hardest part of the race....I passed the green goblin (also known as the sweet girl Aubrey, I spoke to AFTER the race) THREE diff times...and it was HARD to pass her....especially since every time I did, about 1-2min later she would sprint passed me again.
My coach would say "it's okay, it's okay". then 2 min later he would tell me to do it again!
I knew if I did it enough times ONE of us would get discouraged or not be able to keep up and I was PRAYING it would be her!
when I hit the mile 12 marker and had only 1 mile to go, I tried one last time! except this time it was inch my inch that I tried to pass her.
I somehow managed to push and by the time I had less than half a mile to go I felt that my legs were done....I was pumping my arms and i'm sure the look on my face was completely ridiculous and painful b/c that is how I felt lol.....I was still afraid the Green Goblin was going to catch me again but to no avail...I finished 20 seconds ahead of her!!!
I turned the corner and headed down the ramp into the Stadium!!! It was such an amazing feeling!!!!! Here I come...can you tell I'm D.O.N.E?? :):)
Joel told me, if you have NOTHING left at the end,then you executed the perfect race and I feel like I ran my PERFECT race. I paced myself those first 5miles perfectly to ensure I had what I needed to fight the last few miles.
It was an amazing race! 1:32:18 was my final time
. ...I never thought I would go from 1:46:21 to 1:32:18 in 7 months of training! Again, thank you JOEL!!!
As for Becky???? she WON. Oh yes...and she won by passing the first place girl...who had BEEN in first place the entire 13 miles, with only 5 meters to go!! The crowd in the stadium was going WILD!!!!
I was so proud of her I cried! she is a rockstar!!
Here she is passing the girl for the WIN in 1:24:19