About me


Another blogging buddy with Hashimotos sent this today and I loved it and felt it very fitting. I am speaking out about Hashimotos b/c I think there are alot more people suffering with this and other thyroid diseases that are overlooked or misdiagnosed.

thank you friend:)

Dear Hashi's Fighter

This fight is no longer for me. It is for you! It for every person that has come before me and with me that is struggling quietly and for everyone that will come after us that will struggle with Hashimotos.

Using my voice now will help you get the care you need and deserve, it will arm you with the information you need to be your own advocate, it will improve the standard of care by doctors that dismiss your symptoms and diminish the weight of what this disorder can do to the body and mind, it will give your struggle a voice to your family and friends that do not understand this disorder. it will show you that you do not have to accept what this disease says that you will be overweight and overtired and that there is a way out to health and happiness. That you can purse your bliss, your dreams, your goals....

This voice is not one of seeking pity but one needing compassion and understanding for autoimmune diseases. These diseases are not easy because they are not deadly. They can slowly rob people of their lives without proper care.

We Hashimotos Fighters do not want pity from family, friends, acquaintances or doctors but we long not to be in the closet quietly fighting for our health and happiness everyday of every moment.

As I use my voice to raise awareness for autoimmune disease, I join a group of fighters that have started to forge this path for us. I commit to all my friends that have Hashimotos that my goal is bring awareness and add a voice to our struggle.

When you have lost your way and can not find yourself, please look to me I will be your North. When I lose my way please remind me of the way. The love, kindness and understanding of another fighter is all we need to keep us moving forward.

In love, light and happiness, From one Hashi's Fighter to Another