Not a very eventful morning....
alarm goes off at 6:20am...but dont' worry My 3yr old was on the case and made sure to come in at 6:18 robbing me of my last 2 minutes of sleep:):)
I got her situated on the couch with a banana and a cartoon so my hsuband could keep sleeping and off to the gym..I HATE treadmills and we are rarely allowed to run on them but it's POURING rain, COLD and I'm oh well.
Here is what my week looks like for first week of training:
Week 1 : 50 miles (base week)
Tuesday- 7 easy
wednesday - 10 easy (double) I will probably do 7 and 3 or 6 and 4.
Thursday- 8 easy
Friday - 10 easy + gym (bike, upper, core, stretching)
Saturday - 14 easy
So that's what I have to look forward to!! can't wait;)