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what a difference 1 week can make.....

well...here we are 1 week later and another LONG track workout staring me in the face.
I decided to do it this afternoon when my friend Tanja would be there..always easier with company.

The workout called for:
3mile progressive warm up
16x 400m
w/ 200m jog recoveries
4x 200m
w/ 200m jog recoveries
1 mile cool down

I went for a massage yesterday at my husbands clinic and she told me I had so many muscle spasms in my back and legs that I needed to take a week off running. HA!. THAT'S funny!.
I politely told Her I just took 2.5 weeks off! :(:( sigh....
my body is sore but I think it's just from jumping into a 54 mile week last week from the get go.
On my way to my workout my coach offered to come supervise and I gratefully accepted. I needed the motivation.

I did my 400's but we decided to do 12 instead of 16 b/c my hamstring is sore and I don't want to injure myself.
I did well BUT my first 400 was WAY too fast (1:20) and then after that we slowed down and settled into laps that were between 1:26 and 1:29's. That is step back for me which is annoying. 2-3mos' ago when I did this workout last I was running 1:26's consistently so I should have been running 124's but oh well.
My 200's on the other hand would normally be 35-37's but I was running with Tanja and that girl is fast and kicked my booty so I ran those in 0:32's:):)

all in all I was SO glad that I could DO the workout this week unlike last week.

I am realizing though that I will probably need to adjust my goal time for my marathon:(:( I lost a lot of fitness in that 18 days and it is apparent.

But the SUN came out and I had a wonderful date with my 6yr old. I took her for her first pedicure and she loved it, it was darling. I am so blessed to be a mom:)