About me

Where's my motivation???:(:(

After 20 miles on Saturday, at a relatively quick pace (for me), and then speedwork on Tuesday, I woke on wednesday and resentfully got out of bed.
My mind was trying to get up , but my body was TIRED.
I chose to run outside since the weather wasn't too bad instead of the treadmill..which proved to be a good decision.
had I ran on the treadmill, my 4.5 mile run would have ended at 2.5 instead.
I got 2.5 miles out and just could hardly run..I was already running 11 min miles and THAT felt hard:(:( I made it back witha few walking breaks but I got a delightful surprise this morning when My coach texted me and told me to TAKE THE DAY OFF. DO NOTHING.

yippee!!!!! I was NOT going to argue. though it means My mileage will be REALLY low this week:(:( I am happy to have the rest and i HOPE I will have a bit more energy tomorrow.

I am TRYING to find my motivation this week to run in general but I just feel down and unmotivatd.
THIS can't happen! I keep thinking....I have 6 more weeks of training for this marathon but I just feel D.O.N.E.
what is happening to me?
any ideas? is this normal? where's my FIRE???:(:(