(favorite photo of 2011)
What a glorious year 2011 has been!!!
In Sept 2010 I hired a running coach and started my running journey.
2011 was a great year with many ups and downs.....
Here are a few of things that I count as my accomplishments as well as goals for 2012....
Ran a 19:45 5K
Ran a 42:30 10K (5min PR after 4 mos of training)
Ran a 1:32:18 Half marathon (14min PR after 7 mos of training)
I was VERY excited about these accomplishments but I'm ready for MORE now!
I ran my first Marathon and qualified for Boston BUT ended up with a stress fracture in my fibula at mile 22:(
Was a bit of a disappointing race
June-August was a tough time. I was injured and unable to run a single step. I had to sit on the sidelines for 2.5 mos and watch my friends excel while my body went stagnant. It was HARD, but I tried to be supportive. I learned alot about patience and I learned that I wanted to chill out a bit and ENJOY running more and not take myself so seriously.
I learned that I could be truly happy for others achievements even when I couldn't run myself.
September I hired John Foland as my new coach and began base building. I have run for the last 25 wks and feel stronger than ever! I am not fast yet but I will be;)
I also decided to register for the Boston Marathon and got in!
I ran a 5K in 20:10 , a 10K in 42:54 and a half in 1:33:38 during my base building phase. I ENJOYED every one of these races and fell in Love with running and racing as if for the first time.

(at the finish of my half in October: 1:33:36)

(running my PR 10K: 42:30)
(with Soggy Runner Girl, Stephanie, at the Pumpkin Half)
I ran my first 60 mile week and a 62 mile week:) I am bummed that I am sick and not finishing out the year the way I had planned, but It is good rest to get me ready for next week!
Now I am 2 days away from Boston Training and ready to catch some of my big dreams in 2012.
I have fallen in love with running all over again the last few months. I have met some AMAZING women through this blogging world and My life feels so rich.
I have found that running really is food for my soul. I feel so blessed. My injury, though tough at the time, really was the best thing that ever happened to me this year. it taught me alot about myself and how much I love to Run.
I wil never take running for granted again. every day I am out there I am GRATEFUL.
I realize now that running is more than just PR's for me. Before this year, I think I thought I only ran to chase a number. But after this year, I can say that even if I knew I would NEVER hit any of these goals I have set, i woud keep on running. I didn't think I was that person that ran just because, but I am. I run because I love it and because it makes me happy. I want to run for the rest of my life.
Goals for 2012. maybe it's the fact that it's New Years Eve and there's something *Magical* about a new year but I am putting my goals out there for all to SEE! I just got off the Phone with Amanda giving her a my football coach style pep talk about her 10k tomorrow. It's so much easier to pump someone else up than it is yourself. I know she can do GREAT things tomorrow and I really believe in her!
I think My pep talk rubbed off on myself b/c I am getting really excited for all that 2012 holds for Her and for Me...and for YOU!
I understand that Life can get in the way, but here is what I would LIKE to accomplish in ONE YEAR. I say go big or go Home...it's better to aim for the stars and miss my friends than aim for a pile of **** and hit! LOL....
RAther, I should say, I would like to WORK hard enough to EARN these goals. I don't expect them to just come to me. I know I will have to work for them and that is what will make achieving them so much more worth it.
here we go....
5K: not exactly sure....I know I want under 19:30.....but don't have a particular number in mind yet.
10K: I would REALLY like to break 40min. I dont' know how much time I have to dedicate to 10K training this year so under 41 would also be good. but I do want that sub 40!
Half marathon: For sure I want a sub 1:30, but I think by July that will be in the bag. I would like to run below 1:28 by the end of this year.
Marathon: ...well this ones a biggy. And I think setting goals for the marathon is hard. You have one shot and ANYTHING can go wrong on that day. BUT if it's a good day, with good weather and I'm not SICK OR INJURED (lol), I would like to go under 3:15 before the end of this year. I think Boston will be a good indicator of how likely this goal is. If Boston goes well then I might be able to adjust this goal, but for now I am giving myself ALL of 2012 to hit this goal....which might mean a fall marathon in 2012:)
other randoms:
-Continue to ENJOY running...if it ever feels like a chore and becomes un-enjoyable...back off for a while
-run atleast one 75 mile week
-Break 6min in the mile. This is disappointing b/c I was supposed to complete this goal last week, but I got sick:( My goal was to do this before the end of 2011:( but it will have to wait.
I want to be the kind of friend I want to have. I want to be a beacon of light and love and support to my friends. I want to take every opportunity to build others up and encourage them to achieve their goals! especially my running friends.
I want to be the kind of friend I want to have. I want to be a beacon of light and love and support to my friends. I want to take every opportunity to build others up and encourage them to achieve their goals! especially my running friends.
I want to spend more time Playing with my children.
I want to fall in love with my husband again (and again). (side note: I fall in love with him often and it is always the best feeling in the world:)
Re-gain my habit of reading the scriptures every day. I want that closeness with the Lord that I lost this year due to some circumstances that I let drive me away and lose some faith. I have been fighting my way back and I know I need to put forth a bigger effort to reach out to Him if I want to re-gain that relationship.
I am pretty excited to be sitting 90min away from the year 2012. it is going to be an EPIC year!

(My little Mooshy sprinting at the 5K on Thanksgiving)
Tell me your TOP 3 GOALS for 2012???