Tired. overwhelmed. possibly anemic. waiting for blood test results.
unmotivated lately.
that's all I got...
but H2C was a BLAST!
here's the quick recap in photos and numbers. sorry there is nothing uplifting here, just the nitty gritty:
braiding hair in the van on the way to the start
Our team:)...not sure what we're doing here?
showed up late for my first leg lol...and took off running my first mile in 6:16...oops
Leg 7...rating: Hard, VERY hilly.
average pace 7:13
My friend Tiff came to run my first leg with me which was awesome:)
an example of the massive hills I faced on this leg...
at the end of my first leg...chasing down 3 men. caught them:)
first exchange
so glad to be DONE, WATER!!!!
me and Tiff!!!
Steph is up next!
steph and steph.....
Lindsey passes off to Steph and she's off like a race horse!
steph, steve, me and Mike waiting for Steph
steph passes off to steve...
waiting downtown for Mike to finish so we can go rest before round 2
****** went and slept at Stephs house*********** we all ran our 2nd legs in the middle of the night.
My 2nd leg was 19
Rated: VERY hard
even more hilly than my first leg
average pace: 7:29
LEG 3. Leg 31
rated: moderate
mostly flat with half mile climb at the end
average pace: 6:56
sprinting to the finish!
hangin' up that bib for atleast a year!
steph running her sister Lindsey in on her last leg
steph coming in on her last hilly leg. knees hurting...that girls a trooper!
steve on his last leg!!!
so proud of him!
the awesome pass off! lol
Mike taking the home stretch!
The whole team at the beach!
The girls
The crazy tired Team:)
Stevie and I
That's all folks!
we placed 13th out of 108 in our division:)