Reviving my old Running blog as I head toward 40... my journey to be the healthiest version of me!
About me
Long car rides, rain, puke and very nice blog post about me!
T-minus 1 day
This week has been my WEEK OFF!! Yes, I have not a run a single mile and have enjoyed EVERY SECOND OF IT!!...especially since we’ve had some freak show weather…..FREEZING COLD and snow and WAY TOO MUCH rain….blah!
It’s true. It works. Give yourself a break after each training cycle so your body can absorb what you’ve done.
If you’ve raced a marathon Hard he makes us take 2weeks.
Anyway….This weekend was my last weekend before I start MARATHON TRAINING!! WOOHOOO….
And I made sure to end it on a bang;) and eats LOTS OF DELICIOUS FOOD!
Steve and I went away WITHOUT KIDS overnight for our anniversary. (pics below). I did write a whole bunch about it in my last post but am too I will just put captions under the pictures to explain our wonderful date away.
I am so excited to start my training…only 2.5 months til the WINDERMERE MARATHON!!
Oh…speaking of which…last year the top 3 female finishers had times between 3:04 and 3:20..think I could make TOP 3?? Wouldn’t that be AWESOME???!!! after my wedding on Saturday morning, we headed out! first stop:
Grilled Cheese Grill.....

You eat on a bus...and have the most delicious Grilled Cheese sandwhiches...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Grilled Cheese of my FAVORITE
foods by far.

I dont' even know what all was in Steve's but it was GOOD!

I had DILL PICKLES and onion...oh my word. HEAVEN.

We checked into the hotel and got ready for Dinner and a movie:) before the movie...we went shopping...we walked into Banana Republic
and the lady hands us one of those coupon things where usually you get no more than 10% off...
but we hit the JACKPOT and got 50% of our ENTIRE PURCHASE! so we loaded up! it was SO fun to shop without kids...oh my gosh, what a blessed experience! $500 later (that is AFTER the 50% discount) we walked out with 3 FULL bages of new clothes:):):) a womens dream. I LOVE to shop! so here's me in my new shirt and new belt:)

AT Jakes Bar and Grill eating the most delicious pot roast!
Afterward we went and saw "The Kings Speech" must see, a great movie!!!
we finished the night with starbucks hot chocolate, a walk downtown and a 10 hours of UNINTERRUPTED sleep!
what a way to finish my week off:)
Resolution 10K on Feb 5, 2011
This picture was taken before our race. Left to right: Coach Joel Gordon, Becky Manuel (amazing 3:09 marathoner), Helen Rarick (also amazing 3hr marathoner), Moi (not yet a marathoner) and Chuck of the fastest men around for his age. set a new record for US men's something or other..I can't remember....must get the stats on that, but he's FAST!
I was blessed enough to have him pace me for this 10K race:) HOW LUCKY am I right??!!!
Before this race, my last 10K was 4.5 months earlier, right before I hired Joel as my coach. I ran a 47:30 10K (7:39 pace).
I argued with Joel on RAce day b/c he was yelling at me telling me that I could run a sub 7min pace for 6.2 miles and I said I couldn't! I was hoping for 7-7:15 pace.
well...we went out planning to run mile 1 at 7:15 and then try to go down from there but mile 1 was 6:47 and I pretty much held that the whole time. I felt didn't kill me and I finished in 42:30 (6:50 pace). There were some small hills so a flat course hopefully I'd be a bit faster.
I was SHOCKED and excited to see a 5min drop in just 4.5 months of training! I took 3rd place for females (helen finished first in 38 something). It was an awesome day! It feel so freakin' good when you do BETTER than you think you can!!!
I loved having Chuck there to pace me. He told me wonderful things along the way like "you're doing great!", " you're so strong" was awesome, I was a lucky girl that day! I have such a great team and great friends! God has blessed me greatly.

coming to the finish line...trying to KICK it!

This looks like a still shot, lol but I'm bustin my butt here I promise. about 20feet from the finish line. I have an amazing husband who is not only a GREAT CHIROPRACTOR but also an amazing photographer . check him out:)
Marathon Training Schedule
I just rec'd the first draft of my FULL MARATHON training. I am feeling really excited and overwhelmed all at the same time. My first week is 50 miles and I have 5 weeks throughout that I reach up to 65 miles a week. I have never run that much in my life!! My mind is already racing about HOW I am going to complete this 10.5week training and also maintain my life and responsibilities as a wife, mother and business owner.
I feel such a strong sense of will and fight though. I WANT this more than anything. I want to run a marathon and I want to run it at the BEST Possible potential I can.
I want to exceed my own goals and expectations. I want to feel that rush of crossing the finish line after running 26.2 miles of my very best effort. I want to WIN.
The Win won't be necessarily be finishing first, thought that would be nice, but it will be finishing what I started. knowing I worked my butt off for 10wks and then get to reap the rewards of finishing....finishing STRONG.
Since I was a little girl, I've had the heart of a runner....too bad I waited so long to persue it...but I can't dwell on that now. I have been working with my coach for 5months and have exceeded His and My expectations. I have already achieved all the goals I had set.....I thought they would take me well over a year to hit. I feel confident that this is a gift the Lord has given me. It's hard to explain but when I'm running...more specifically racing, I feel something change inside's such a wonderful feeling. I feel like I'm doing something I was born to do:)
When I decided 3 mo's ago I wanted to run a full marathon my goal was to TRY and qualify for Boston in 3:40:00......but now...since I've been running more and seen more of my potential, my goal is to go under 3:20:00....and I reserve the right to change that again!:):)
the other day Joel said to me "you are in 3:17:00 marathon shape right now" lol...I thoguht to myself "heck NO!"....(but I WILL be!).
This is a dream for me. I always said "some day I'll run a marathon" but so often those "somedays" never turn into anything. I'm super excited that I am making my goals and dreams into a reality:)
I get all fired up inside when I think about it.
My challenge will be to stay focussed and committed and still get everything else done in my life.
My business is moving into a new studio in 2wks and we have so much going on...but I can do it. I plan to SLEEP A LOT so don't be offended friends if I don't come out much for the next 2.5 months and I plan to EAT A LOT (lol), and I plan to PRAY A LOT.
so...there it is. my first blog about this fantastic journey I'm about to embark on.
Marathon, Here I COME!!!!